we touched this same spot with our hands, our feet, our gaze and our dreams

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Gospel event to sing prayer for Tohoku

Friday, July 22, 2011


By MIKE HAMILTON, Staff writer

The bombastic and expressive vocals of gospel music are far removed from traditional Japanese culture, which may be why the genre is so popular here.

With the financial support of Tokyo Union Church, Rev. George Redding and a group of American and Japanese gospel singers are hoping their chorus will inspire more people to embrace the genre at the Japan Earthquake Disaster Gospel Music Charity Show.

The extensive roster of artists is bound to impress those at the 1,400-seat capacity Nerima Bunka Center with awe-inspiring sounds. Redding, who has lived in Tokyo for the past 10 years, started organizing the event in February this year. Following the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, Redding made the decision to donate profits from the event to disaster victims in the Tohoku region.

While the event will center on gospel, R&B will be provided by artists Christi and Rod Ross. Shoko Yamagishi and Jonny Dynamite will also add a dash of jazz to the event. In total, nine individual artists are set to perform. Also, young quintet PMG Kids will take the stage as will 23-member-strong group True Praise supported by Ray D. Lewis. The group will perform gospel classics such as "Oh Happy Day."

Japan Earthquake Disaster Gospel Music Charity Show will take place at Nerima Bunka Center Hall in Nerima Ward, Tokyo, on July 31. Doors open from 6:45 p.m. Tickets cost ¥3,000 in advance, ¥3,500 at the door. For more information, visit

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Science cannot affirm the non-existence of God

Archbishop: Church Must Learn Language of Youth

Says Liberty and Science Are Two Dominant Values

MADRID, Spain, JULY 21, 2011 ( To evangelize young people, the Church must understand their culture, in which liberty and science are dominant values, say the president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization.

Archbishop Rino Fisichella said this Wednesday during the summer course "Young People and the Catholic Church: Points for a Youth Ministry for Today," which is under way this week at King Juan Carlos University in Madrid.

The archbishop's talk was titled "Young People and God, Young People and Jesus Christ, Young People and Eternal Life."

One cannot speak to young people of Christ, said the evangelization dicastery president, "without speaking of liberty, as the youth of today has placed it in his culture, but liberty must always be in relation to truth, as it is truth that produces liberty."

At the same time, he added, "one cannot speak of God to young people without knowing the culture of today's young people, which is scientific. Today's culture, its content, is full of axioms of science."

The Italian prelate clarified that the Church is "in favor of science, but the latter must be in favor of humanity and never against humanity."

"The time will come when science itself will ask for help from theology to know the realms of reality more amply, and to be able to give an answer to pain, to betrayal, to death," in short, "to the great questions, the questions of meaning," said archbishop Fisichella.

Archbishop Fisichella pointed out that "the interaction of science, personal life and ethics is necessary," and that one cannot live without the other.

By way of example, the archbishop gave the case of the director of the Genome project, Francis S. Collins, who has gone further into the language of God, because "true science puts you at the doors of the transcendent."

Archbishop Fisichella concluded assuring that one "can be Catholic and scientific at the same time. To experience scientific knowledge does not imply atheism. The scientific has its limits; it cannot affirm the non-existence of God."

U.S. stamps to mark 100 years of cherry trees gift

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Postal Service will issue two stamps next year on the 100th anniversary of the gift to Washington of more than 3,000 cherry trees by Yukio Ozaki, the mayor of Tokyo at the time.

The "Cherry Blossom Centennial Forever Stamps" create a single, panoramic view of the cherry trees blooming around the Tidal Basin when two stamps are placed side by side.

The other half of each stamp features blossoming trees arching over a family on a stroll and two girls wearing kimono, and a canopy of pink blooms with the Jefferson Memorial in the background. The trees have become a symbol of the Japan-U.S. friendship.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011


Dear Praying Friends,

Eileen and I have been up in the northeast of Japan for the past month now serving as CRASH Tono Base Camp Manager, Safety Officer and Church Liaison Officer. At present, we have 30 volunteers from the U.S,, Canada, So. Africa and Uganda serving through the base camp which presents us with many logistical challenges daily in keeping all the volunteers housed and fed as well as coordinating in getting them also deployed daily to the coastal disaster hit areas. 

As the CRASH Liaison Officer, we also have the task of coordinating our relief and recovery efforts through local pastors and churches here in Tono Shi, Iwate Prefecture, which also presents a separate set of challenges as there are few solid, evangelical churches in this area. We have a number of important meetings with key pastors in the next week (Pastor Kondo - 3.11 Network, Pastor Chiba -Conservative Baptist, Pastor Miura - Tono Bible Church) and would appreciate it if you would pray with us that we would see some good, long-term partnerships formed with these pastors and their churches in the days ahead.

We are thankful for the opportunity to serve the Lord here in Iwate Prefecture in the aftermath of such a devastating natural disaster in bring hope to the hopeless. We are particularly blessed to be working along side the local church to be an encouragement and help to them at this time of need. But also, to have the privilege of working along with the many Christian young people who are coming from all over the world as volunteers to serve the Lord here with us.

Thank you for your continuing prayers for us and the efforts of CRASH to bring healing and hope to the people of Iwate Prefecture and the Tohoku region.

In Christ and for His Glory, Jim and Eileen Nielsen TEAM-Japan

Saturday, July 02, 2011

American nonprofit organization All Hands

Saturday, July 2, 2011

News photo
Zenetsu Nishiyama (second from left) stands in front of his tsunami-damaged home in Ofunato, Miyagi Prefecture, along with members of All Hands volunteer group. JON MITCHELL PHOTOS

U.S. volunteer group earns tragedy-hit Iwate's respect

All Hands signs up for any cleanup task and wins trust along the way

Special to The Japan Times
Since its formation in the wake of the 2004 Sumatra tsunami, American nonprofit organization All Hands has dispatched more than 6,000 volunteers to the scenes of more than a dozen disasters across the globe. While these teams are accustomed to encountering tough conditions — including torrential rain in Indonesia and the threat of cholera following last year's Haiti earthquake — what they encountered upon their arrival in Iwate Prefecture in April was an entirely different kind of problem.
News photo
A volunteer worker clears debris from a canal in Ofunato.
"Although the tsunami had reduced whole areas of the coast to debris and the few houses still standing were full of mud, when we asked the owners if they needed help, they turned us down," recalls Neil Lawson, the NPO's work coordinator. "For almost a week we went door to door trying to assist people, but all of them declined."
The reactions of the residents surprised the volunteers. A month earlier, the mayors of Ofunato and Rikuzentakata, two of the Iwate towns most severely damaged, had given All Hands' Executive Director David Campbell and his fact-finding team a warm welcome. But it would prove more difficult to win over the trust of the survivors living in the heart of the destruction.
"Partly, the residents were worried that we would try to charge them for the work we were offering to carry out," says Lawson, a Missouri native. "And also they seemed concerned about clumsy, loud Americans tearing through their houses."
Despite this setback, Lawson's team continued to trek through the devastated communities, attempting to help local residents — many of whom were too old to conduct the strenuous work of clearing mud by themselves.
Lawson remembers the day when his perseverance paid off. "An elderly couple asked us to clean their kitchen shelves. It was only a small job but when they saw how carefully we did it, they asked us to help them to move some heavy furniture. After that, they requested us to clear the mud from beneath their home."
Having won the trust of this first couple, word quickly spread throughout the community that the volunteers were enthusiastic — and careful — workers who were not afraid of getting their hands dirty. Over the next few weeks, the NPO was tasked with larger projects, including clearing debris from flooded rice fields and shoveling tons of rotting seaweed from a gutted factory.
In early June, due to the fast-approaching rainy season and threat of flooding, the Ofunato Municipal Government took the unprecedented step of embedding these international volunteers into its official maintenance crews to unblock drains.
With its volume of work increasing, All Hands has seen a steady stream of volunteers through its base in downtown Ofunato. On any given day, it has between 40 and 60 volunteers in its charge. Approximately half of them are Japanese; the other half come from as far afield as the United States, Britain and the Netherlands. All Hands requires volunteers to pay their own way to the disaster zone — but, once there, bed and board is provided free of charge.
Combined with a flexible policy that allows volunteers to stay as long as they choose, the NPO attracts an eclectic mix that has included a professional poker player, Ivy League students and retired CEOs. In May, Grammy-nominated pop star Sara Barelleis joined All Hands to clear ditches in Ofunato for four days. "She was a hard worker," recalls one of those who toiled alongside her.
The boardroom backgrounds of other volunteers have proven useful in securing support from well-known corporations, including 3M, Goldman Sachs and Walmart. According to All Hands' representative director in Japan, Satoshi Kitahama, Walmart's offer to supply groceries at wholesale prices is playing a vital role in the NPO's contribution to feed survivors.
"In Rikuzentakata, there are still 10,000 residents who are unable to secure food for themselves. No supermarkets are open and people's cars have been washed away. The government only supplies them with a bare minimum — rice balls and bread — so their health is beginning to suffer. We're trying to ensure that they receive some nutritional balance to their diets," he said.
Despite — or perhaps because of — the desk-bound past lives of former executives like Kitahama, they are often among the first to volunteer for the most demanding cleanup jobs, such as shoveling the tons of putrid fish still scattered around Ofunato port. Kim Faith, a long-term All Hands member, claims that this zeal no longer surprises her. "The dirtier the job, the more hands go up (to do it)," she says. "There's this volunteer eagerness. They pride themselves on doing the work that nobody else wants to do."
While clearing mud is usually sufficient for most volunteers, All Hands sets aside special projects for those who would like an even tougher challenge. In May, one job took a team to the isolated town of Yamada, where the tsunami had destroyed the 500-year-old Arajinja Shrine, an important place of worship for the prefecture's fishermen. Volunteers camped close to the coast in an area known for its wild bears, while they conducted the 12-day cleanup project.
The meticulous care with which they worked earned All Hands a great deal of respect — and further helped to cement support from the local community.
However, the elderly residents whose homes have been cleaned by the volunteers remain those most grateful for the NPO's assistance. Zenetsu Nishiyama, 73, lives near the port of Ofunato — and the car tire still balanced atop the roof of his two-story house is testament to the height of the wave that swamped it on March 11. Whereas his neighbors' homes were uprooted and washed away, Nishiyama's sturdy house stood firm — but its rooms were left deep in mud that threatened to rot its foundation.
In mid-June, a team of five All Hands volunteers helped to clear away this sludge and remove the moldering walls. Watching the foreign crew work, Nishiyama's praise was unreserved. "It would have been such a waste to tear down this house. Thanks to them, it can be repaired and I'll be able to move back. The volunteers work with all their heart and I really appreciate their help."
Four blocks away, more All Hands volunteers were working on a project to bring some cheer back to this devastated town. After learning from a local resident that the town's children enjoyed watching fireflies around the neighborhood canals, the volunteers vowed to clear away the choking debris. Working waist-deep in sludge, they scoop aside the mud — in the process uncovering children's toys and rings of keys that they set aside in the hope that their owners are still alive to reclaim them. After a morning of sustained labor, the water slowly started to move through the canal. First a gurgle, then a torrent — the volunteers exchanged muddy-handed high-fives and relished their minor victory.
According to Ofunato native Moto Suzuki, ultimately it is this enthusiasm that has made All Hands so welcome in Iwate. Suzuki returned to his hometown from Tokyo after the tsunami struck — and now he regularly works alongside the NPO's volunteers. "They've brought fresh air to this town. The residents are really impressed and appreciative of their work. As time goes on, I'm confident that our relationship will become even stronger."