Praise Points
- Thanks for your prayers for Roger as he preached at the German FeG in Lörrach on ‘Living Life on the Edge’. He received good comments and feedback after the service and now he’s itching to do more preaching!
- For our continued good health and fitness.
- We want to thank God for our faithful supporters. We are excited about what we are doing and need to remain faithful in communicating this.
- The wonderful Swiss Baptist Seed Conference and good catch ups and contacts that were made there. Also for Derek Webster’s believe in what we are doing and encouragement of us all the time - he’s awesome!
- Our family in Melbourne – Tim and Amy, Jocelyn, and Glenda & Tom. Thank God for his provision of a great job for Jocelyn and somewhere permanent to live that is fully furnished.
Prayer Points
- Our 4th Mosaic event featuring our friend Derek Webster is this Saturday 23 June at 20:00 in Lörrach at Ars Nova Galerie.
- Our visa will expire at end of July and we are currently contacting the German FeG Church in Lörrach to help us with the paperwork. Pray it will all go smoothly and that all our papers will be in order.
- The S.H.A.P.E. 6 week course continues with the team this Wednesday 20 June. We’ve been doing the course fortnightly because of team commitments. We hope to finish the course in the next couple of weeks.
- For an opportunity to meet with the team very soon to discuss ‘Where to from here’. Summer here means holidays for a lot of people - but not for us. We want to keep the momentum going.
v For wisdom for Gaynor dealing with a dispute initiated by a Christian we know, (not in our team) with wide spread potential to affect other English speakers we know.
Dispute has nothing to do with us or our ministry but as we know the parties and one is a Christian and we must ask her to consider a biblical resolution.
- Roger finishes the Deutsch course in 2 weeks (which he has been doing each week since September ’06). We both need conversation practise and continued discipline in our learning.
Contact Roger and Gaynor at rgridley@t-online.de
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