we touched this same spot with our hands, our feet, our gaze and our dreams

Friday, May 29, 2015

Shine On! Kids ~ Executive Fight Night V - June 19, 2015

Executive Fight Night V

We’re often urged to fight for a good cause, but rarely is the imperative so literal. On June 19, sixteen incredible men and women will take to the ring at the Grand Hyatt Tokyo as part of the Tony Evans and deVere Group Executive Fight Night V to raise money for Shine On! Kids. What moves these individuals to commit to the fight, to the rigorous process of training, to the inevitable injuries? Metropolis sat down with four of the fighters to find out what drives them.
June 19
Grand Hyatt Tokyo
Tickets available at

Shine On! Kids (formerly the Tyler Foundation) is dedicated to making life better for kids with cancer and other serious illnesses in Japan and their families. Incorporated as an NPO, we are supported entirely by the generosity of our individual and corporate sponsors.

Thanks to each and every supporter, out of the 9,000 NPOs in Tokyo, Shine On! Kids is one of eight officially certified by the Japanese government. (as of December 7th, 2012)
Certified NPO certification (PDF)

Friday, May 08, 2015

Daniel Westberg ~ Renewing Moral Theology

Renewing Moral Theology

Christian Ethics as Action, Character and Grace

By Daniel A. Westberg"Daniel Westberg provides a much-needed accessible contemporary Anglican guide to moral theology, but he does much more. Focused on virtue and bringing together the wisdom of Catholic and evangelical traditions, his exposition of Scripture and Aquinas provides readers with a biblical Thomist ethic. This book's moral theology will renew both the minds and lives of Christian disciples and the church's witness in the world." 

—Andrew Goddard, associate director, Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics, Cambridge

Daniel A. Westberg (DPhil, Oxford University) is professor of ethics and moral theology at Nashotah House, a seminary of the Episcopal Church in Nashotah, Wisconsin. He grew up in Japan where his parents were missionaries.

‘A Conversation About Growing Up Black’

Books About Japan in 2015

'Target Tokyo' offers a gripping retelling of the Doolittle raid, complete with new detail

bullet 'Target Tokyo' offers a gripping retelling of the Doolittle raid, complete with new detail
bullet 'Daughters of the Samurai' profiles three remarkable women who influenced modern Japanese history