we touched this same spot with our hands, our feet, our gaze and our dreams

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Published on Jan 24, 2014
SUBARU SUV FORESTER collaborates with manga comic "Attack on Titan"

Friday, February 07, 2014


Dear Friends,
Greetings in the amazing name of Jesus! I am writing to say I need you, your prayers and your council. As I'm on my way to Japan again  on the 18th of this month, I am more aware than ever of my need of God's guidance, presence and revelation in order to see a the Gospel of the Kingdom romance the Japanese church into Father's heart. I'm sometimes guilty of jetting off without proper spiritual "air force" through prayer. I can't do that any more, so, am asking for your partnership in standing with me to lay firm foundations in Japan. Here is a little of what to pray for....
Phase 1 - Iwaki, Feb 19-23.2014
I'll be traveling with two others to hold a Father Heart Gathering in Iwaki.  Many will be traveling to this city to receive a fresh infusion of Father's love, a very new emphasis and imperative truth for the Church in Japan. We will be partnering with our host and friend, Akira Mori.  Pray that those that come will become dangerous in the revelation of Father's love, the Son's image in them and the Spirit's power to do what can't be done in human strength.  Pray that this will result in the Church understanding that they are a precious family, called to invite this orphaned nation into the Kingdom of his love.
Phase 2 - Tokyo, Feb 24,25
Wendy and I will be ministering at a conference of missionaries in Tokyo. My dad was involved in this group during his years in Japan, a group that needs a lot of encouragement and prayer. Wendy will be running a prayer room throughout the 3 days and I'll be teaching on prayer and evangelism. Pray for spiritual hunger and new Spirit-birthed strategies for the missionaries in Japan.
Phase 3 - YWAM Tokyo, Feb 25,26
You probably know my involvement and love for YWAM over the years. David and Maria McDaniels lead a beautiful team of wild YWAMers in Tokyo. Pray I'll have the word of the Lord to encourage them and know how to partner with them for Japan in the future.
Step by Step 
Nothing in Japan happens fast!  So, we are resist the big stuff and go deep in the foundations to try and rebuild the "ancient places." In June we'll bring a large team to partner together with man believers in prayer and evangelism in Tokyo and Iwaki. Pray for heart contacts with our Japanese friends and that many of our foreign team members will get long-term calls from God to this awesome nation.
If You Want to Help Me Get There
Per the request of many of you, I've added a PayPal button to the bottom of the letter.  I'm trusting the Lord for $1500.00

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