we touched this same spot with our hands, our feet, our gaze and our dreams

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Christopher Blosser, a convert to the Catholic faith

Chris Blosser
Christopher Blosser, a convert to the Catholic faith, was received into the Church in 1997. Born in Japan to missionary kids, he spent his early years in Pennsylvania and the better part of his childhood in Hickory, NC. He currently resides with his wife and son in New York City. His only claim to fame is having founded a little website in 2000, cheekily called the Cardinal Ratzinger Fan Club– little realizing that his favorite theologian would ultimately be elected to the See of Peter. He blogs regularly at Against The Grain and Catholics in the Public Square. A recovering radical, he is figuring out what it means to be Catholic and American. He can be contacted at blostopher “at”