It has become evident in recent weeks that some missionaries and pastors have been experiencing Secondary Traumatic Stress Disorder, or Compassion Fatigue. This can result in nightmares, anxiety, flashbacks, numbness, and a myriad of physical and interpersonal problems resembling depression or burnout.
These are stressful and frenzied times, and may be more so with summer teams arriving, but JEMA wants to encourage missionaries to take special care of themselves and short-termers that may be coming to work in disaster relief in the Tohoku area.
Confirm that adequate orientation, accountability, and debriefing are taking place. If you don’t have such options be sure to check in with CRASH Japan to take advantage of its excellent resources. Also check out the video “Emotional Care in Disasters” at in the Emotional Care department.
Andy Meeko, Survivor Care, CRASH Japan