we touched this same spot with our hands, our feet, our gaze and our dreams

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

From Gary Palmer the Motorcycle Man

Motorcycle + Merry Go Round = Funny

Leave it to the Germans to come up with something this crazy... Not the smartest, but you will notice that they actually used padding on the motorcycle... Real smart!

Friday, May 07, 2010

Video: What is war porn?

"the Auschwitz of missionary kid boarding schools."

 "As the flames licked closer to my skin, from deep within me arose a gust of strength I cannot fully explain to this day. I had a desperate thought: I could win this time. This time, the houseparent had unwittingly put himself in a place where I could actually win, if I could endure enough pain. I knew in my heart that he was wrong. He was lying, and I felt the evil and injustice to the core of my soul. I was not Satan's tool. I was a little boy with a broken heart who had found his voice and cried out for rescue. So, enough—enough shame, enough abuse, enough lies. It had to stop somewhere, sometime. I made my decision: It stops now! I'm not letting go!
Nothing was going to make me cry out or drop that candle. This is where I would take my stand—this was my little Masada."

A Candle in the Darkness
The president of Compassion International tells his story of childhood abuse and deliverance in a West Africa boarding school.

A Badly Broken Boarding School
The story behind the cover story.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Come to Altar or Words of Encouragement 3

Dear Friends of CAJ,

I want to send my sincere regret that I will not be able to join you in Chicago for the All CAJ Reunion Party.  I applied for a special excursion pass to the Warden but was denied.  He is not known to be a friendly chap. Now that I am not going to be there, you all need to step up and make this a truly successful event.  I understand a few have already committed to come (see list below).  Many are still waiting.  If you are not coming because of the low attendance, then YOU can change that.

Make that commitment now while you still can.  Don’t end up like me when you run out of options someday.

Yours truly, Bernie Madoff
# 61727-054
Federal Correctional Institution, Butner, NC
(I am only 50 miles from Chapel Hill, Ansel Mullins, please come visit me)

Confirmed attendance list:

Howard Blair (Faculty)
Ginny Blair (’72)
Grace Friesen (’72)
Vernon Wooden (’71) & family
Wes Jacobsen (’70)
David Clark (’70)
Deanne Shelton (’70)
Julia Fleenor (’70)
Debby Marsden (’70)
Doug Prout (’70)
Carol Rigmark (’70)
Bobby Howe (’70)