we touched this same spot with our hands, our feet, our gaze and our dreams

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

1,000 yen and 500 yen commemorative coins

Heads and Tale: Designs for 1,000 yen and 500 yen commemorative coins for featuring "The Tale of Genji" are unveiled Tuesday by the Finance Ministry. The upper images are the fronts of the two coins. KYODO PHOTO

Saturday, June 14, 2008

I am a Father - Shogo Hamada

A Father’s Day Quotation

“Real Fatherhood is leading in faith, through faith, to faith. If no faith is required it is not Fatherhood in the truest sense. It may be parenting and is most likely mothering. Most fathers mother because they do not have the faith to lead in faith, through faith, to faith......”

Ken Nielsen

Note: Some mothers father, if they have been fathered, and most fathers mother since that is what they have received. Mothering and Fathering are functions and not titles. Mothering and Fathering are not gender specific. Mothering is natural and requires no faith while Fathering is spiritual and only comes by faith.

Happy Father's Day

Slide Show: Slimming Japan

Slide Show: Slimming Japan

Japan, a country not known for its overweight people, has undertaken an ambitious campaign to slim down its citizenry. Go to Article

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Just a Little Rogayn

Our Dear Family and Friends,

This year is racing by. Cheryl reminded me on the phone this morning that we are coming to the longest day of our year and those of you in Australia to the shortest day!! That's quite too much for us to take in!

We trust all is well with you and the activities you are involved in. We again thank you for your prayers for us and our ministry here. As we've said before, and will continue to say, we couldn't be here without the faithful prayers of people like you.

We are both well and enjoying the warmer weather (even though one night last week the overcoat had to come out again!). The colours of spring/summer in Europe have to be seen to be believed. It is quite something.

Please send us a quick email with news about you and if you would like us to pray about something specifically, please let us know.

With our love,
Roger and Gaynor

Praise Points

We are feeling particularly encouraged and excited about our work here and the contacts we are making. We have much to thank God for as we continue our ministry here in Basel.

- Good venue to hold our monthly Mosaic Gatherings in Loerrach which Derek Webster has been running and speaking at. The next gathering is this Wednesday 11 June.

- We had our first Nooma Night at a Starbucks Cafe in Basel on 27 May with 14 in attendance, but most were Christians. Nevertheless this is a start and at least gives the Christians an insight in to how simple reaching out can be. (Please see our blog for more details about what Nooma is all about).

- Good phone conversations with family and friends in Australia which we find particularly encouraging and helpful.

Prayer Points

- For God's leading as we continue to move forward in our work here, to know exactly what God wants us to do in the coming months, and for good ideas as we bring people together.

- Our good friend Cheryl sent Roger a DVD series from Australia for his birthday. Roger is organizing 3 Thursday nights to show the series at Centrepoint in Basel, for men only, beginning 19 June. Pray for good numbers and for the men to enjoy being together and that there will be good relationships developing.

- Roger is attending the Swiss Baptist AGM this coming Saturday near Zurich. Pray he will have the opportunity to share something of our work and to enthuse those who attend these meetings.

- For wisdom for us in the one-on-one times we have with either new followers of Jesus, or with those who are not yet but close to being followers of Jesus. You give them a name when you pray (eg man's name for Roger's contact) to make it real and personal.

We hope to keep our working blog up to date each week. Please check it out to see what we are up to -

Friday, June 06, 2008

Japanese watermelon sells for $6,100

A black jumbo watermelon produced in Japan's northern island of Hokkaido fetched a record $6,100. (AP)

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

A round watermelon can take up a lot of room in a refrigerator and the usually round fruit often sits awkwardly on refrigerator shelves. Smart Japanese Farmers have forced their watermelons to grow into a square shape by inserting the melons into square, tempered glass cases while the fruit is still growing on the vine. . .

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Gary Palmer is still doin it

Gary Palmer is still doin it after all these years