we touched this same spot with our hands, our feet, our gaze and our dreams

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Roger & Gaynor Ridley in Switzerland Report

Prayer Update

October 2007

Roger & Gaynor Ridley

Praise Points

A relaxing and refreshing 10 day holiday at the beach from 29 September- 9 October.

Three other leaders have been appointed within Mosaic Basel/Lörrach - David, Amanda and Christian.

Erwin McManus spoke at a gathering of Mosaic Alliance Europe in Zurich at the end of September. It was good for us to get together with like minded people and be encouraged in this way.

A group of 3 couples and 2 children visited for 10 days from Texas. We were encouraged by their visit and also were optimistic about their input and what they learnt about our ministry.

We are continuing to make good contacts, particularly in Basel and at the English Club ‘Centrepoint’.

A surprise visit from Gaynor’s niece Bethany and her husband Jeremy (both Doctors from Perth, but travelling through Europe for 4 months). They were with us 2 nights.

For the back prayer and friendship we receive from you all in Australia - thank you.

Prayer Points

Wisdom as we continue to move forward with Mosaic Basel/Lörrach and being true to our calling (as evangelists and outreachers) with what we are trying to do here.

Roger will be speaking at the FeG Youth Night on 16 November, the topic being “Reaching Out” - what it means to be sent out.

‘Fridays at Galerie Weibel’ continue and although we aren’t getting huge numbers (average 4-5 people) we are forming good friendships with those who come regularly and particularly the Galerie owner Fritz and his 24 yr old son Adam (studying to be a lawyer).

Winter seems to have arrived a tad early and we would value your prayers for continued good health.

The Texas team spoke at 2 small schools, followed us to places were we meet folk and led a Texas event, pray for the follow up of their contacts.

That some young people who attended the Texas Tour event will be interested in joining Mosaic as we do not yet have youth in our team or meetings

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Rice loses steam in Japan

By Lori Arata

The Washington Post

NIIGATA CITY, Japan — Challenged by trendy culinary newcomers such as croissants and spaghetti, baguettes and French fries, per capita rice consumption among Japanese has fallen to half of what it was in the late 1960s.

In response, farmers and retailers are scrambling to find new ways to keep people loyal to the tender grain that remains a national symbol of prosperity and self-sufficiency.

Akinori Hokari, 35, who took over management of his family's rice shop in Niigata 10 years ago, is one of those giving the frumpy product a makeover. Read the whole story here......

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Permanent resident or not, you'll be lining up

Although Japan did away with fingerprinting of foreign long-term and permanent residents some years ago, the practice is about to make an intrusive reappearance as of November 23, 2007. A 2006 Immigration law will come into effect that will require EVERYONE other than "special long-term residents" (meaning 2nd and 3rd generation Koreans) to join the tourist line at immigration and undergo fingerprinting and retinal scanning. While such procedures are used elsewhere for tourists, in Japan, even people who have been resident for decades, will, as foreigners have to stop using the Japanese entry lines at immigration and switch to the visitor ones. Those with Japanese families will not be exempted. Nor, apparently, will aircrew. ***Ed: We're sure that as this comes into effect, there will be a big stink among the senior businesspeople in the foreign community and from the various Chambers of Commerce. We hope the foreign press will also carry news of Japan's retrograde treatment of its foreign residents, because this procedure offers no differentiation between a tourist just in for a week of fun and a foreign Mom or Dad who has a Japanese national spouse and kids, and who owns land and pays taxes here.** (Source:TT commentary from, Sep 25, 2007)